Nail Tek II Intensive Therapy

Painting my nails weekly was causing them to get weak, soft, and peel a lot. It would ruin manicures after just a couple of days. What the hell, I was drinking milk... isn't that how you get strong bones and nails? Those "Got Milk?" ads have lied to me yet again -- Do you know how hard it is to get an actual milk mustache like the ones in the ads... you can't! Liars! (They used milkshakes, btw)

Where was I... The product is supposed to be used as a base and top coat, with an additional top coat application each day. I only use it as a base and top coat and then leave it at that, no daily applications. My nails have dramatically improved since I started using this. Manicures can stay on for 7+ days at times and the top coat stays shiny for quite a while. If you had the same problem as me, I highly recommend trying this product out. If you have other issues, Nail Tek has an entire line of products that focus on different nail related issues.